Step by step on how to create Github personal access token?

1- Click on your "Profile" photo

It's available on the page's upper corner.

2- Settings

Settings is available at the end of the menu.

If you prefer you can just click here or directly on the link

3- Developer Settings

The Developer Settings option is available at the lower left corner of the page.

If you prefer you can just click here or directly on the link

4- Personal access tokens

The Personal access tokens is available at the upper left corner of the page.

5- Tokens classic

The Tokens classic will be available aftter clicking on Personal access tokens.

If you prefer, you can just click here or directly on the link:

6-Generate new token

7- Generate new token (classic)

8- Fill note and expiration

note is the reason of the existence of the token. I suggest: my-token, glamour-token or just token.

9- Select scopes

Mark all options.

10- Generate token

The Generate token button is available after all the scopes options.

11- See your generated token

Your token will probably appear in the same position as the red square in the next screenshot.

12- Copy the token

On the right side of your token, there's an icon.

This icon is the copy button. Click on it and your token will be in your clipboard. Paste it wherever you want.

13- Use the token

Press CTRL + V where you want to use the token.


You've made it!

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Final thoughts

I hope this article helped you. Let me know if you have any questions. Your thoughts, suggestions and corrections are more than welcome.

By the way, feel free to drop your suggestions on new blog articles.

Hope to see you next time.